40 research outputs found


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    Entrepreneurship becomes an interesting subject. This interest is driven by several reasons. Among them is the pressure of the crisis, government programs, as well as public demand for entrepreneurship either as interest or because the public uses to support entrepreneurship education careers and their lives. However, whether the high interest in entrepreneurship at the high rate of creation of new companies? And whether they mean the same? In the sense that a person is self-employed when he founded the company. With regard to entrepreneurship and enterprising (business creation) in view of the experts there are differences in perspective. Of the second term, there are experts who think the same entrepreneurship and there is also a look at them differently. This occurs because the field of entrepreneurship is growing. Attempts to define entrepreneurship experts were much taken from different perspective. When steeped in entrepreneurship, the authors found there were some problems and challenges in defining entrepreneurship. The basic question is: "what are we talking about when we talk about 'being' named entrepreneurship?" The answer to this question however, has been and still is unclear, pending and overlap with other sub-fields. In connection with the fact that entrepreneurship is currently studied in several different disciplines and different opinions about its meaning was eventually emerge. In this study the author discusses the definition of entrepreneurship is based on three views, namely trait approach, behavioral approach and opportunity identification approach). Key words : Entrepreneurship, enterprising, trait approach, behavioral approach, opportunity identification approach)


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    Women emerged as a major economic power and use their new financial power to advance the public. The study on entrepreneurial behavior of women and men are usually compared with the assumption that if entrepreneurial behavior is considered as an isolated act of an individual's autonomy. The comparison is usually accomplished by separating it from conventional considerations that entrepreneurial behavior is embedded in a social context. Entrepreneurial network theory is a theory that attempts to place in the context of social entrepreneurial activity. Studies based on this theory perspectives often identify differences in social networks of women and men entrepreneurs. Women possess different social networks with men. The main characteristics of social networks based on her previous research are: first, the social network formed by women over the options aimed at closeness and emotional attraction Gender is an interesting theme that is being studied in social network theory, particularly when examined are the entrepreneurs. The literature in this perspective tries to focus on the differences in social networks among female and male entrepreneurs focal entrepreneurs, and how these variations affect entrepreneurial output. Some research results as mentioned above suggests that the gender composition of the different social entrepreneur network. Entrepreneurial network approach assumes that interacts with whom an entrepreneur will affect the achievement of an entrepreneur. There are three theories that we can use to explain how differences in social networks of women and men entrepreneurs. That homophily theory, relational theory and social support theory. Key words : Gender, Social Network, Entrepreneurship

    The Influence of Knowledge Management Capability Dimensions on the Competitive Advantage of MSMEs Through Entrepreneurial Orientation

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    Abstract. The concept of knowledge management as the mainstay for building the competitive advantage of large companies has been highly emphasized in the strategic management literature, but similar studies are still rare in the realm of MSMEs. To fill this gap, this paper empirically examines the relationship between the dimensions of knowledge management capability and competitive advantage through the entrepreneurial orientation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The knowledge management dimensions used include knowledge management infrastructure and knowledge management processes. The analysis technique uses Structural Equation Model (SEM) with SmartPLS. Research respondents are owners/managers in 75 MSME sentra in Jakarta, Indonesia. Statistical tests show that knowledge management infrastructure has a significant effect on entrepreneurial orientation but does not have a significant effect on competitive advantage. The knowledge management process has a significant effect on entrepreneurial orientation and also on competitive advantage. Meanwhile, entrepreneurial orientation has a significant effect on competitive advantage. This reality confirms that when there is high pressure on MSMEs, it will cause actions and reactions among companies in the industry. To emphasize the important role of knowledge management in facing future pressures, wider research is needed on the consequent variables of the application of knowledge management in MSMEs, such as digital capabilities, business agility and business performance.Keywords: Knowledge management infrastructure, knowledge management processes, competitive advantage, entrepreneurial orientation, MSMEAbstrak. Konsep knowledge management sebagai andalan untuk membangun keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan besar sudah sangat ditekankan dalam literatur strategic management, namun studi serupa masih jarang dilakukan di ranah UMKM. Untuk mengisi kesenjangan tersebut, makalah ini mengkaji secara empiris hubungan antara dimensi kapabilitas manajemen pengetahuan dan keunggulan kompetitif melalui orientasi kewirausahaan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Dimensi manajemen pengetahuan yang digunakan meliputi infrastruktur manajemen pengetahuan dan proses manajemen pengetahuan. Teknik analisis menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan SmartPLS. Responden penelitian adalah pemilik/pengelola di 75 sentra UMKM di Jakarta, Indonesia. Uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa knowledge management infrastructure berpengaruh signifikan terhadap orientasi kewirausahaan namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keunggulan kompetitif. Proses knowledge management berpengaruh signifikan terhadap orientasi kewirausahaan dan juga keunggulan bersaing. Sedangkan orientasi kewirausahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing. Realitas ini menegaskan bahwa ketika terjadi tekanan yang tinggi terhadap UMKM akan menimbulkan aksi dan reaksi antar perusahaan dalam industri tersebut. Untuk menekankan peran penting knowledge management dalam menghadapi tekanan masa depan, diperlukan penelitian yang lebih luas terhadap variabel-variabel konsekuen penerapan knowledge management pada UMKM, seperti kapabilitas digital, business agility dan business performance.Keywords: Knowledge management infrastructure, knowledge management processes, competitive advantage, entrepreneurial orientation, MSM

    Pengaruh Dukungan Organisasi dan Penilaian Kinerja terhadap Prestasi Kerja

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    The quality of Human Resources is the most influential thing as well as part of an important substance for an organization because of the capacity and capability that makes it effective and efficient in maximizing a target of the organization, all MSMEs in Indonesia touched 64.2 million and brought a role related to the gross domestic product of 60.94% or worth 8,574 trillion. SAP Express through its retail business line will try its best to encourage the progress of MSME businesses in Indonesia by providing relevant services with prime quality. The purpose of this research is to understand and analyze how the influence of organizational support and performance appraisal on employee performance at PT Satria Antaran Prima Area Bandung. In this study, this research uses a research method in the form of Expalanation, which means describing the position of the variable to be studied along with the relationship between one variable and other variables. Based on the level in the explanation, this research turned out to be in the form of associative research. in research conducted by researchers there are independent variables and dependent variables. In this study, basically, researchers have a desire to find out how Organizational Support (variable x1) has an influence and Performance Assessment (variable x2) has an influence on Work Performance (y)

    Systematic Mapping Study: Corporate Entrepreneur in Family Firm

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    Purpose: In the growth of family companies, corporate entrepreneurship is very important for the sustainability of family companies that are managed across generations. Sustainability of family companies is more successful in implementing corporate entrepreneurship than other companies. Therefore, researchers study the influence of families on corporate entrepreneurship. This study examines why some families are better at encouraging corporate entrepreneurship in their companies than others. Design/methodology/approach: The method used in this study uses a qualitative method using a study library. A search was conducted on the Scopus database of 33 articles in publications 2005-2021 published in scientific journals included in the inclusion criteria. Findings: The results of this Systematic Mapping study can provide an overview of opportunities to explore new topics on mapping corporate entrepreneurship in family businesses. The most discussed topics are HR, strategy and organizational culture in the general industry and manufacturing sectors. Research limitations/implications: This research is limited to using only one Scopus database. Practical implications: The implications of the research from a practical point of view are how this research data can be better managed in the future by researchers and professionals engaged in entrepreneurship and family businesses. Originality/value: This paper provides a clear description of the role of corporate entrepreneurship in family businesses. This brings together and maps for the first time in an integrated manner several topics related to corporate entrepreneurship in family businesses. This leads to the conclusion that topics related to corporate entrepreneurship in successful family businesses refer to the relationship between human resource management and organizational culture Paper type: Literature revie

    Systematic Mapping Study: Peran Women Entrepreneurship dalam Networking pada UMKM Pariwisata

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    Research on women entrepreneurship has attracted a lot of interest from researchers, besides that, the use of networking and the tourism industry sector is also always associated with women entrepreneurship. So this study aims to map the topics of women entrepreneurship, networking and tourism using the Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) method to help see the development of research. The data search was carried out by using the Scopus database with the final result of 23 articles. Based on the mapping results, it is shown that the most widely used research method for the topic of women entrepreneurship is qualitative, namely 12 (52.17%) articles. The least research focus is development strategy and innovation, so this focus can be a reference for further research. The dominant paper type used is the evaluation research category, which is 12 (52.17%) articles. Furthermore, the publication trend of countries that do a lot of research on this topic is the UK and South Africa, namely 5 (21.74%) articles and the trend of publication from year to year peaks in 2020 with 7 (30.4%) articles. Based on the mapping results, there are still gaps in the topic of this research, so there are still opportunities to produce updatesPenelitian mengenai women entrepreneurship banyak menarik minat peneliti, selain itu pemanfaatan networking dan sektor industri pariwisata juga selalu dikaitkan dengan women entrepreneurship. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemetaan topik women entrepreneurship, networking dan pariwisata dengan menggunakan metode Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) untuk membantu melihat perkembangan penelitian. Pencarian data dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan  database scopus dengan hasil akhir 23 artikel. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan menunjukkan bahwa metode penelitian yang paling banyak digunakan untuk topik women entrepreneurship adalah kualitatif  yaitu 12 (52,17%) artikel. Fokus penelitian yang paling sedikit adalah development strategy dan innovation, sehingga fokus ini dapat menjadi rujukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Paper type yang dominan digunakan adalah kategori evaluation research yaitu 12 (52,17%) artikel. Selanjutnya tren publikasi negara yang banyak melakukan penelitian pada topik ini adalah UK dan South Africa yaitu 5 (21,74%) artikel dan tren publikasi dari tahun ke tahun puncaknya berada di tahun 2020 dengan jumlah 7 (30,4%) artikel. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan masih terdapat kesenjangan dalam topik penelitian ini, sehingga masih terdapat peluang untuk menghasilkan keterbarua

    Kepemimpinan Entrepreneurial Berbasis Keterampilan pada Ekonomi Berkembang

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    The purpose of this study was to examine entrepreneurial leadership and determine the skills essential for entrepreneurial leadership in achieving success in a growing economic environment. The focus of this research specifically focuses on the entrepreneurial leadership found in the culinary sector in Pekanbaru. This study identified categories of entrepreneurial skills, business technical skills, interpersonal skills, conceptual skills, and entrepreneurial skills. The results of this study in terms of theory will provide a clear picture of entrepreneurial leadership that can be used as a reference in making skills-based empirical models based on phenomena in developing economies. Meanwhile, in terms of practice, this research is also useful as a reference for practitioners and policy makers about the skills and factors needed by leaders in achieving success as entrepreneurial leadership. Keywords : Skills, Leadership, Developing Economy, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Indonesian Entrepreneurshi

    Adopsi Teknologi Internet of Things pada Startup Industri F&B

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    Efisiensi di sepanjang rantai pasokan industri F & B yang terintegrasi dengan kemajuan teknologi telah mendorong penerapan sistem ketertelusuran produk dalam bentuk pemanfaatan Internet of Things (IoT). tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki adopsi IoT di pada Startup Industri F&B di Jawa Barat-Indonesia. Data dianalisa dengan menyebarkan kuesioner terhadap 30 Startup Industri F&B di Jawa Barat dengan menggunakan analisis Stuctural Equation Modeling (SEM) menggunakan aplikasi AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar Startup Industri F&B di Jawa Barat menunjukkan tingkat adopsi IoT yang cukup dalam mengelola proses produksi produk F&B merek

    Measurement of Innovation Capability of Small Enterprises in the Wholesale Fabric Sector

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    The purpose of this paper is to measure the innovation capability of small enterprises in the wholesale fabric sector. This article uses a quantitative approach by applying Rasch analysis to measure the level of capability of small industry innovation through 48 statements addressed to 303 small businesses. Primary data was collected through distributing questionnaires directly to 325 respondents and 303 were returned. The instrument used in this study showed excellent reliability and validity, demonstrating that the construct capability of innovation could be fulfilled according to the Rasch model analysis. The results showed that small businesses that had the highest innovation capability were respondent number 037: female, age of the company: 0 – 2 years, number of employee: 0 – 10 people, and qualification: bachelor degree, marked by a tendency to answer agreed on various statements related to innovation capabilities; while respondent number 146, male, age of the company: 0 – 2 years, number of employees 0 – 10 people, and qualification: bachelor degree shows that answered towards disagreeing from the instrument of innovation capability so that it was concluded that the respondent had the lowest innovation capability among other respondents. Keywords: Rasch model analysis, small enterprises, innovation capabilit